'Às vezes tu dizias: os teus olhos são peixes verdes! E eu acreditava. Acreditava porque ao teu lado todas as coisas eram possíveis'

27 outubro, 2008

[Lime Tree Arbour, Nick Cave]

2 comentários:

as velas ardem ate ao fim disse...

The Boatman calls from the lake
A lone loon dives upon the water
I Put my hand over hers
Down in the lime-tree arbour

The wind in the trees is whispering
Whispering low that i love her
She puts her hand over mine
Down in the lime-tree arbour

Through every breath that i breathe
And every place I go
There's a hand that protects me
And i do love her so

There Will always be Suffering
It Flows through life like water
I Put my hand over hers
Down in the lime-tree arbour

The Boatman he has gone
And the loons have flown for cover
She puts her hand over mine
Down in the lime-tree arbour

Through every word that i speak
And everything i know
There's a hand thath protects me
And i do love her so

Primeiro que tudo amo este homem.é amor mesmo.puro.


Andreia disse...

acho que é porque ele tem aquele ar duro, mas no fundo é um sentimental. :)) compreendo a adoração. beijinho

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